Three quick, productive, and healthy ways to get moving without hitting the gym in collaboration with Reebok Canada, available at Sport Chek.

As a new mom finding time to be physically active is somewhat challenging. I mean, there are times when I would just rather snuggle with my baby and kiss his cheeks than actually do anything (he’s cute, it’s distracting). I’ve had to learn to reorganize my day around the schedule of my little one. If you think adulting can be overwhelming at times, try becoming a parent. On top of all of your regular responsibilities, you’re also raising a tiny human. So, it can definitely be a struggle sometimes to complete all those household chores, get some work done, maintain some semblance of a social life, and take time for yourself.
I’m not much of a gym rat, and by that I mean I don’t go to one.
But self-care is really important, and as part of that, it’s vital to keep moving. I’m not much of a gym rat, and by that I mean I don’t go to one. Even before I entered baby land I would only step foot in a gym to attend group classes. I’m someone who prefers to get my exercise outside if I can help it (see my post Five Easy & Enjoyable Healthy Habits for more on that).
These days I’ve had to find creative ways to keep myself physically active while also juggling feedings, burpings, and tummy time. But, I’ve found a way to break a sweat on an (almost) daily basis even while juggling all things motherhood. If I can do it, you certainly can (for real, take it from this lazybones).

Proof that I don’t always wear heels, especially when I’ve got these cool Reebok Floatride kicks.
Walk it Off
I’m not sure where the saying “sleeping like a baby” came from because my kid isn’t a huge fan of sleep. It seems he’d much rather be awake and partaking in whatever is going on, even though he’s an infant. There have been many occasions where no matter what I do, the kid won’t sleep. But one thing that always works is getting outside. Something about that bumpy sidewalk and stroller helps Lucas to nod off even when he’s completely against it. Upon discovering this I began to take walks far more often, and as the weather in these parts improves I actually want to get out there regardless of the baby’s sleeping habits.
There have been many occasions where no matter what I do, the kid won’t sleep. But one thing that always works is getting outside. Something about that bumpy sidewalk and stroller helps Lucas to nod off even when he’s completely against it.

Although I discovered just how much I like this activity by circumstance, walking is actually really good for you and easy to incorporate into your day. I mean, all you really have to do is put on cool kicks (like these Reebok Floatrides) and get your butt out the door in order to reap the benefits:
- Sleep Better: A brisk walk in the fresh air can calm your nerves and anxiety. I work through things while I’m walking, making lists in my head (and sometimes on my phone) and think of a lot of creative ideas. Walking is rejuvenating, gets my energy up, and gets my creative juices flowing. If you’re worried about something, stuck on a problem, or feeling as though you’re in a creative slump, go for walk.
- Weight Loss: This isn’t really the goal, but it’s a no brainer that regular walks will help you to lose weight. If you too have just had a baby, this is like hitting two birds with one stone. Daily walking has been proven to increase your metabolism and boost your body’s response to insulin, and may even lower your blood sugar levels. Since it utilizes your core and abdominal muscles you’re shrinking that belly fat without doing a single sit up.
- Beat Chronic Disease: Studies have shown that walking can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. If you work in a job where you’re largely sedentary and sitting at a desk all day, this is one of the best (and simplest) things you can do to improve your health without a lot of effort. It can also lower your blood pressure, which is especially important after you’ve had a baby (or preeclampsia, like me. You can read more about my pregnancy and delivery in this blog post).
Clean it Up
Ok, hear me out. Cleaning may not be your cup of tea but unless you’ve got live-in staff, chances are you’re doing at least a little picking up every day. Reorganizing your spice drawer may not do the trick if you’re looking to get moving, but a little vacuuming, mopping, and bathroom scrubbing surely will. You wouldn’t believe how motivating an infant’s nap schedule can be on your tiding muscles. I see it as a bit of a challenge. Can I get this painful cleaning out of the way and get it all done before Lucas gets up? Darn right I can.
Reorganizing your spice drawer may not do the trick if you’re looking to get moving, but a little vacuuming, mopping, and bathroom scrubbing surely will. You wouldn’t believe how motivating an infant’s nap schedule can be on your tiding muscles
No one wants to spend all day cleaning, so power through it and consider it your workout for the day. Set the timer (or put your baby down for a nap) and see just how much of it you can get done in a limited span of time. You’ll be doing laps around your house with a vacuum in one hand and a mop in the other like a multitasking master. Get it done quickly and you’ll get your exercise while also tackling your chores. That way you’ve got the rest of your day wide open to do more enjoyable things.
Few things are more motivating than the realization that the baby could wake at any moment.

Light and comfortable while providing all the support I need during a sporadic walk with my kid, these Reebok Floatride kicks are just what I need.
Work it Out
One of the easiest ways to schedule a little exercise into your day is via YouTube. It’s just way easier than squeezing into you’re cutest Lululemon look, crafting a perfectly messy top knot, mastering a no-makeup face and heading to the gym. At least it is for me. When the little guy goes down for his first nap of the day I try to sneak away to our living room and get moving. Have everything ready ahead of time so the hardest part is actually starting, not looking for your yoga mat or hooking up the necessary technology. You can quickly grab your phone and get going, or follow along on a big screen if that’s more motivating for you. Whatever you do, don’t talk yourself out of it and don’t make this out to be a big ordeal. You don’t even need to change, kick off your slippers and work out in your sweats. It doesn’t need to be an hour of exercise or even half an hour of an intense workout. It can be 5-20 minutes. That’s all it takes to make time for yourself and get energized.
It’s just way easier than squeezing into you’re cutest Lululemon look, crafting a perfectly messy top knot, mastering a no-makeup face and heading to the gym. At least it is for me. When the little guy goes down for his first nap of the day I try to sneak away to our living room and get moving.
Whatever it is you like to do, whether it be yoga, pilates, strength training or a dance routine (my personal favourite) you’ll find it on YouTube. After a few days, you may even hone in on a few videos you really like and develop your own go-to roster. Here are three of my favourite fitness channels if you need somewhere to start (but a simple Google search will definitely bring up the results you’re looking for too).
One of the easiest ways to schedule a little exercise into your day is via YouTube. Whatever it is you like to do, whether it be yoga, pilates, strength training or a dance routine (my personal favourite) you’ll find it on YouTube.
- The Fitness Marshall: Maybe you’ve heard of Caleb Marshall’s videos because he’s huge on YouTube, but his popularity is well deserved. He’s sassy, fun, and has an incredibly contagious attitude. If you don’t feel like dancing, just watch one of his videos and you’ll quickly change your mind. Trust me. I have an infant who doesn’t sleep through the night and even I find the energy to dance when I watch Caleb and his squad werk it to the latest top 40 hits. Honestly, this guy makes me feel like a dancing queen with some seriously smooth moves and most of his videos are only as long as a single song. That makes it really easy to tailor the length of your workout. I usually make it up. I choose a song I want to hear, follow along, and if I feel like trying another I go for it. Sometimes a workout it 5 minutes, sometimes it’s 30, but it’s always a riot with this guy. Most importantly, if you feel like you’re not a good dancer remember that you’re at home and no one is watching! Just do your best and shake that booty.
- Blogilates: What’s so cool about this channel is that it has not only workouts but also some fun videos sprinkled in between (goal setting, nutrition talk, ect). But don’t get distracted if you’re hoping to get moving. Head for her super-tailored videos depending on what you feel like working that particular day. I like that Cassey offers body-specific workouts that aren’t very long (10-20 minutes on average), so if I feel like toning my thighs, arms, or abs (she did a 30-day abdominal challenge that I dare you to follow) that morning, that’s what I click on. After doing some of these workouts a few times you may learn some new moves that you can even perform while whipping up dinner.
- Popsugar Fitness: Sound familiar? You may have heard of Popsugar while indulging in the latest Hollywood gossip. While this channel does feature the occasional celebrity-inspired workout routine, it is focused on simple fitness. Videos are very well organized and the titles usually include the length of the workout, which span anywhere from one to thirty minutes. They also feature a countdown clock in the corner as you’re working out, which is helpful if you’re on a tight schedule. I’m pretty sure this channel has done it all. Strength training, pregnancy exercises, dance routines, and even a workout you can do with your dog. Regardless of how much time you have and what you’re in the mood for, you’ll find it here. They also include modifications should you need a low impact or advanced version to follow along with. These videos are a great starting point and are where I began once I was ready after having Lucas (in truth my first 15-minute dance routine almost killed me). Pick a video and just start. No excuses!
Skip the head-to-toe Lulu outfit and just dance it out in your sweats at home.
So, what’s your favourite way to work up a sweat right in or around your very own home? I’m sure that in no time I’ll be chasing a toddler around and adding that to my workout routine. For now though, you can find me sassin’ it up on a very clean dance floor in my living room while the boy is down for a nap.
If you’ve got a go-to app or videos you love to use as part of your at-home workout, drop your links below or connect with me on social media to chat about all things fitness.
Disclosure: Content sponsored by Reebok Canada, available at Sport Chek. Thank you to my wonderful hubby for capturing these photos. This post was originally posted in August 2019 and updated in July 2021.
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I love your blog! It was a pleasure to read through and well written. Nice pics too!
Thanks for checking it out Steven!