Ok, So I kinda lied in my previous TravelSTRUCK post about Hilton Head Island when I said goodbye to summer at the beach (forgive me)! But I feel like this summer was pretty great and I am obligated to say farewell with a bang considering what an amazing summer I have had! I’ve decided in my ultimate blogger wisdom that doing so requires a second ‘summer sendoff’ blog post. Ta da! Besides, the weather we have been having here in Toronto so far this September has been beautiful!
My husband and I took a weekend getaway to his family cottage (or as my American friends call it, the ‘vacation home’) a few weeks back. The property has been in the family for years, the old log cabin behind me was the original home (I think it still has some furry residents). Some see dilapidated, I see vintage splendor! We Canadians love our cottages on the summer weekends, my husband and I are no different! I frolicked in the Saturday sunshine in some of my favourite comfy new finds from this season. These may also be the most “Canadian” photos ever haha! But yes, it really is this beautiful here in my home and native land!

I’ve noticed a lot of my fellow blogger friends dawning their new fall fashions over the last few days/weeks (looking fantastic by the way), via Instagram but I feel slightly different. Living in Toronto, Canada, I am someone who takes in every last drop of summer. Every day in September that is hot, humid and sunny, is a gift, and could be the last kiss of summer weather. What’s the rush? Winter will arrive, that much you can count on. You’ll find me in shorts and sandals, definitely. Maybe even at the local beach (really, did that last week, the proof is here). September be damned! I will be wearing my summer best for as long as I can get away with it, until my toes are too darn cold. Then, and only then will I cave.
[Tweet “Every hot day in the fall is a gift. Don’t rush cooler temperatures with your look!”]Perhaps it’s because I live in the land of 4 seasons, and I know I’ll get to wear my new fall booties and rain jackets in due time (some of my favourite booties can be found in “A Bootie-ful Fall”). Until then, I’ll say sayonara to summer every day that I can!

I wasn’t planning on taking many photos (the whole idea of going is to take a break right?) but I couldn’t help myself (blogger syndrome). It’s just so lovely and I felt inspired by the nature and surroundings. Books, recipes, and pillows collected over the years by this family member or that one, who knows where anything originally came from. Now that’s a collection worth exploring! On the deck, with tea and sunshine. Obviously. However, you won’t find me snapchatting, checking messages, or sending e-mails from the cottage. When I’m there, I’m off grid. I think it’s so important to take a digital detox once in a while. We’re on our phones all of the time, everything is quick and instant. I take the opportunity to ground myself, take in my surroundings and breathe in the fresh air. And you know what? When Monday and a new week rolls around, I’m more productive, patient and energetic!
[Tweet “Take a digital detox and you’ll feel more productive & energetic as a result!”]
Ok, that’s it. I promise this time! I’m sorry, I’m not very good at saying goodbye to my favourite season. Bring on the booties and blazers, but I think we can still wait a while before making me break out the parka. Do we have a deal Mother Nature?! We’d better.
See ya summer sunset, until next year!
Wearing: Final Touch sheer top, consignment. Find similar here and lots of similar styles here.
Vibe Sportswear floral shorts. Find similar here, here, and here.
Hollister Co. bikini. Find similar here.