Below you can find information about how you can be in touch with me should you be looking to contact me with business inquiries or would like to contract my services. If you’re wondering how we may be able to creatively collaborate, please read below!
As I receive new emails daily, I am only able to address those that are a good fit for STRUCKBLOG and would be of interest to my readers. Please have a look below for additional information regarding collaborations, freelance work, and guest posting.
Thank you kindly for your interest.

Collaboration Inquiries & Freelance Work
Over the last 7 years, I have had the pleasure of collaborating with fellow creative minds in a variety of capacities.
I love to chat about all things digital marketing, completed a marketing minor, and aside from running STRUCKBLOG, worked in marketing and communications full-time for Queen’s University before starting my own business.
As a freelancer, I consult businesses about their social media and content marketing needs, including working with influencers, starting blogs, producing content, and growing and managing social media accounts. I also offer full photography/videography services, can help you create content (like Instagram Reels) and should it be a good fit, marketing amplification services through STRUCKBLOG social channels.
Please visit my portfolio page to review previous projects I have had the pleasure of contributing to. Should you like to contract my services please download the STRUCKBLOG Media Kit/Price List to learn more about pricing and what I offer. If it sparks a creative idea or you would like to propose a way for us to creatively join forces, I would love to hear from you via email or using the contact form below.
Outside Content & Guest Posts
Guest posts are not currently accepted on All writing published on STRUCKBLOG is written by me, Anna Ruck, as I prefer to maintain a personal tone and feel throughout the blog. As such, STRUCKBLOG does not accept or publish outside content. If you would like to work together in some other capacity, please feel free to email me with your thoughts and ideas.