• Urban-Grown Kale Chips

    Urban-Grown Kale Chips

    I’m so trendy, talking about Kale right!? Or maybe Kale isn’t the cool superfood anymore and I’m behind, but regardless, I like it! You can too (just do it, it’s good for you, I’ll show you how). My hubby (who has quite the green thumb by the way) has managed to grow quite a bit on our urban Toronto balcony: spinach, beans, rosemary, basil, parsley…and of course kale. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you’ve probably seen my…

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    Changing Seasons, Clear Skin

    Changing Seasons, Clear Skin

    Ok, we’re almost there in this part of the world. We’re coming out of the deep, dark and loooong tunnel that is winter (at least we’d better be). But before we get there we’ve got to get through some wacky and unpredictable weather, because that’s spring in Toronto after all. With inconsistent temperatures and changing seasons come some skin challenges. I don’t know about you, but when the weather starts acting crazy with freezing temperatures one day and mild ones…

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    Hint of Spring: Outfit Transition Tips

    Hint of Spring: Outfit Transition Tips

    Spring, where are you!? I’ve been asking myself this question lately as spring has been a total tease in Toronto. Sure, we’ve had a mild day or two, but we’ve also had an ice storm (I’m sure some of you saw that on Snapchat UN: Struckblog). So, that’s spring in Canada for you. So, in an effort to will the season into being, I’ve been sneaking in some spring outfit ideas that will hopefully help in the transition. This wasn’t…

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    Work Wear Wonders

    Work Wear Wonders

    Calling all working gals, girl bosses, successful and stylish ladies. I’m here to let you in on a little secret: my go-to item for those mornings when I’m ready to take the day on by storm. More importantly, for those mornings where I’m feeling quite the opposite (a.k.a. take me back to bed please) this beauty is a total outfit-saver. The right work-wear can do wonders for your confidence and productivity, so I’m excited to be giving some away at…

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    One Year Blogging: Four Things I’ve Learned

    One Year Blogging: Four Things I’ve Learned

    Celebrate good times, come on! *dances* Yes, I’ll start there because this month this little blog is celebrating it’s first birthday! Let the party begin! But before we party like it’s 1999, I wanted to share with you the four things I’ve learned blogging this past year. I’ve been reflecting upon what I have learned about blogging over the past few weeks and jotting down my ideas as they pop into my head. Of course, the first thing that came…

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