• Shining the Light on Mental Health

    Shining the Light on Mental Health

    Many of us have experienced some form of difficulty with our mental health. I myself had a hard time finding my happiness and I have friends and loved ones who deal with anxiety and depression on an ongoing basis.

    In these circumstances, it can be extremely challenging to understand just how to support someone whether they are just beginning to identify a problem or actively seeking treatment. In an effort to do what I can to stop the stigma surrounding mental health, I’ve done a lot of research on the topic to share three simple ways we can all come together to not only help those in our lives through their journey but change the collective culture surrounding mental illness through our actions.

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    From Work to Play: Styling Your Workwear

    From Work to Play: Styling Your Workwear

    Holla at my working gals! Whether you’re an entrepreneur or have a full-time job and side hustle like me, when work is done we all look forward to a little play, am I right? During the day I work in digital marketing and communications in an office environment and otherwise spend much of my free time juggling blogging, freelance consulting, content creation and styling work. Therefore, I am someone who lives by my daily agenda and I have to plan my weeks ahead of time. But I’m not a workaholic! Amongst these daily activities are plans to spend time with family and friends during my evenings and weekends. Quality time with my favourite people is equally important.

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    Photography Challenge: Three Photographers, Three Minutes

    Photography Challenge: Three Photographers, Three Minutes

    Have you ever gotten the chance to participate in a photography challenge? This was a first for me. When a couple local photographers got together alongside my favourite creative ladies, I couldn’t resist taking them up on the chance to get involved. This was while I still had a key to my old apartment, which includes a rooftop terrace. We took advantage of that evening golden hour and started snapping away.

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    Celebrating Culture & Beauty with Kenya Help

    Celebrating Culture & Beauty with Kenya Help

    I wanted to showcase Kenyan culture and beauty, with the help of some truly amazing local women who came together to create this shoot. Within a week, Ashlee the photographer, Erin the make up artist and my lovely model friend Laura jumped right in to dedicate their time and talent towards this project, and I am so grateful! It is my sincere hope that by reading Nancy’s stories from Kenya and learning more about some of these jewelry pieces, that you too are inspired to give what you can.

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    Three Thrift Shopping Tips

    Three Thrift Shopping Tips

    It’s so easy to get lost in the adventure, to spend ages excitedly pulling out hilariously comical pieces, and howling over the fact that people in the past really used to wear that. Not ironically, not for Halloween, seriously. Yes, encountering those pieces is all part of the fun. All I’m saying is, it isn’t always easy to determine which items are must-haves, which are worth giving a try, and which should be left untouched for some quirky collector type. But as someone who can proudly pronounce herself a seasoned second-hand hunter, I’ve got three vintage-shopping tips to guide you on your next consignment shopping trip.

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