After using my gender-neutral nursery for almost 2 years, here’s what I’ve learned about how to set up your nursery for practical use from infant to toddler.
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I admit it. I am really behind in getting this blog post up about our gender-neutral nursery. But, it’s been on my mind lately as we set up a “big boy” room for my son Lucas and boot him out of his (he’s currently 22 months old). We are preparing for baby number two to arrive in April 2021 and once again, aren’t finding out the sex of the baby until birth.
If you’re wondering what you actually need for a nursery, what furniture is necessary, and how to set up a baby nursery, I’ll tell you based on our 22 months of use.
However, the benefit of waiting this long to share is that I’m able to provide gender-neutral room ideas that are not only inspiring but also practical. So ya, I totally meant to wait this long. Let’s go with that.
I’ll show you how certain items will help you take your nursery from a baby room to a functional play space for a toddler by comparing via side-by-side photos below.
I’m going beyond just sharing some photos of my decor. I’m going to spill everything I’ve learned about how to create a practical nursery space that will still serve you well as that baby transforms into a toddler. It will happen before you know it!
In the far corner in the pic below? Stuffies I didn’t know what to do with (you’ll likely receive your fair share as gifts). I stuck them in our Moses basket bassinette! Looks cute and saved me from finding somewhere to store it when unoccupied.

I love this rug. It’s thick, durable, and has easily disguised many messes!
How to Set Up a Nursery in a Small Room
If you’re wondering what furniture you need in your nursery, here are the basics:
- A crib: most cribs are convertible these days. But it certainly doesn’t have to be. I would say it’s nice to have the option as you never know whether it will become convenient one day to turn that crib into a toddler bed. My crib is by Delta Children (also sold via Walmart) and is sturdy and fantastic in quality. It’s been well-loved and still looks brand new (very impressed with the durability). Some have drawers, which is pretty awesome for extra storage. Otherwise, you can opt to purchase under-crib roll out storage, or you can use a crib skirt like I do to stash stuff. You of course need a crib mattress (this one that I have flips from infant to toddler for longer use) with a protector on top for accidents.
- A change table/dresser: you can opt to use a dresser with a changing pad on top (I have this changing pad and it’s worked well), or you can purchase a designated change table with a changing area built-in. Many, like mine, have an additional/removable changing area, so it can convert to be used just like a dresser in the future without the changing surface on top.
- A rocking chair/rocker: this is key! It’s where you’ll feed your baby (whether that’s by bottle or by breast), where you’ll read them bedtime stories, and where you’ll sit (and possibly doze) if your child needs you close by while experiencing sleep struggles/when they aren’t feeling well. Ours is a hand-me-down from our grandparents that we painted white and I placed a blanket on for increased cozy factor. Otherwise, I would have gone something like one of these as I’ve heard great things about it from my mom friends.
- A shelf: you need at least one that is low and at a height accessible to a toddler, as you’ll likely still be using this room a year later. The shelves are home to our books and toys. I wanted Lucas to be able to access them independently once he was old enough. I also have storage baskets in the bottom of my shelf where I can easily stash things away (to rotate toys quickly, store teethers, or put away things for future use that aren’t yet age-appropriate). These are also very cute and would fit nicely. What lives on your shelf will change as your baby grows older. That flexibility is key for practical use! I also have these shelves mounted to the wall at a low level beside our chair.
- A wardrobe/closet: this may be built into the room, or you may need to purchase one. A wardrobe or closet is key for hanging clothing and storing away boxes of diapers and wipes. We added a second rod to ours so I could hang twice as many pieces of clothing. Since baby clothes are small, you don’t need the full length. This way, I’m able to sort the clothing by type and size. The top rod holds what we’re presently using, while the bottom rod is where I store future sizes. The grandmas tend to go crazy buying clothes, and sometimes I need somewhere to store great thrifted finds that are too good to pass up even if I don’t need them right then and there (I know it will come in handy later).
Change Table: Our change table comes with a built-in changing area that can be removed later and I added this changing pad. A dresser also works just as well, as long as it’s a comfortable height for you to use. You want some extra space on the sides if possible for small toys, clothes, and things like diaper cream. I placed my Diaper Genie right beside my table and stored all of those diapers and wipes in the top drawer for easy access.
Left: I had extra sheets for Lucas’ change table (in case of explosive baby poops) and a little stuffy for entertainment (or teethers, or a rattle, you can change it up).
Right: now that he’s a toddler, I’ve got small books to keep him busy while I change him, which work so well! I have them near his car seat too.

Drawer Organization: I love these customizable dividers our as I’ve been able to adjust them as the diapers got longer! They are perfect for organizing drawers.
Left: Lucas’ shelf as an infant was basically just a storage space for me. I had more books than shelving at that point (now I have more in our playroom) and was gifted some toys that were still too challenging for him then. So, the shelf was largely decorative.
Right: Now, Lucas is able to take these books off the shelf as he pleases, I often place 1-2 toys here for him to access. I use the bottom two compartments for storage with these baskets.

Left: infant shelf, mainly decorative storage, but you can see our white noise set up (a blue tooth speaker and old iPhone) on a stool near his crib, or use a machine like this one.
Right: He no longer needs white noise. Toys and books are regularly rotated. The basket currently has wooden blocks for his access.

Shelving: All shelves in this room are at an accessible height for toddler access so he can choose toys and clean up independently.

Chair & Feeding Area: We were given our rocking chair as a family hand-me-down. We painted it white and I added a cushion and blanket to up the cozy factor. Otherwise, something like this with a stool is perfect!
Hamper: On the left, you’ll also see my hamper, which has a hard top so it can double as a table. Handy placement for when you’re feeding in the chair (for cloths, bottles, breastfeeding gear). It’s also easy to open, so as a toddler he can place his own dirty clothes inside. This IKEA version would work just as well.

Closet: baby clothes are small, you don’t need the full length. Add a second rod inside to maximize space. This gives you more room to sort clothing easily by season and size. Not pictured here are all the boxes of diapers and wipes we tuck underneath on the floor.

These IKEA shelves are the perfect size for this small space beside our closet.
Left: these shelves were just another place to stick stuffies when Lucas was a baby. We later made sure to mount them to the wall for safety.
Right: Now, toys are rotated up top. The bottom has a selection of bedtime books, easy to reach from the chair. I often choose ones he doesn’t tend to select himself to read at bedtime to warm him up to new choices.
What Else Do I Need in My Nursery?
- A hamper: I chose one with a hard top surface for two reasons:
- I knew it would be easy for my toddler to open one day to open place his own soiled clothes within (an open hamper I worried would encourage and tempt him to randomly throw stuff in there).
- It serves as a surface for me to place the bottle down/place breastfeeding gear onto. I used to set my water bottle there to stay hydrated while feeding my son. I used to put the Haaka pump down there after using it as I placed him into his crib. It was a place to set the bottle as we changed into our PJ’s and swaddle. It’s a table and hamper in one!
- Diaper disposal system: whether you choose a diaper genie or the like, you need this fancy garbage can as they really do a fantastic job at trapping poopy smells. Trust me, I tried to go without, and every time I opened the door I was hit with an unpleasant stench. Get one, place it near the changing table, and breathe easily.
- Hooks: I totally put these up just because I thought they were cute and wasn’t sure what we would use them for. Turns out, everything. They’re super practical! We have hung swaddles, blankets, sleep sacks, PJ’s, change table toys, bath towels, and robes here. Hanging hooks right beside the changing table makes it easy to grab things quickly that you use frequently, so you’re not folding the same swaddle 17 times a day after each newborn nap.
- Baskets: I was gifted some presents at my baby shower in reusable baskets and containers and have been able to continue to use them to this day. I use one for stuffed animals, one I rolled receiving blankets in, and one held bibs and small cloths when I had a newborn. Today, I still use this one, mainly for loose toys such as blocks and balls. It’s great to have some of these kicking around! You can find lots of different options here.
- Organizational caddys/drawer dividers: In the same vein as baskets, these provide multipurpose storage solutions. I have these drawer dividers within the dresser that are fantastic as they are adjustable. As diapers get larger these organizers can be adjusted to fit. I have changed the organization in the drawers a few times as pants got longer or seasonal items were put away. I also have this organization caddy tucked under the dresser. That way from afar, it presents neatly. I put little extra things within it, such as socks, hats, mittens that are too big for now, or extra soap, sunscreen, or diaper cream I bought ahead because it was on sale. I’ll save those things here as they’re small and will otherwise get lost in the closet.
- A crib skirt: As mentioned, your crib may come with a drawer, which is great for storing things away. If not, get a crib skirt so you can utilize the space under the crib for storage without it becoming unsightly. I’ve got some seasonal stuff under there, such as a footmuff, as well as a treasure box I bought at the dollar store within which I placed Lucas’s baby book and some keepsakes. Always find creative ways to store things. Let no corner go unused, especially in a small space. This crib skirt is also super cute!
- White noise: You may get lucky and your baby may not need white noise. This was not the case for us and our troubled sleeper. We connected a Bluetooth speaker to an iPhone, downloaded the free white noise app, and turned it on as we left a drowsy baby in the room. However, this did sometimes present annoying technical problems sometimes, so perhaps something like this machine is a better option (as a lot of moms have told me that it worked really well for them). White noise helped Lucas to sleep longer stretches, get back to sleep on his own in the middle of the night, and drowned out the noise from other parts of our small home while he was still learning to self soothe himself to sleep.
- A space heater/humidifier: this of course depends on your home, but this end of our house gets chilly and takes longer to warm up. We blast the space heater before naps and bedtime to make it cozy and conducive to sleep. When Lucas is sick and could benefit from humidity in the room, we turn on a humidifier for him. It’s good to have an outlet/power bar handy for either of these. And, if you’re not sure about the temperature, get a reader like this one. It’s also handy to travel with if you’re sleeping at your in-laws or hotels so you know how thick their PJs should be depending on the temperature in the room.
- A fan: a ceiling fan is very useful, as babies can be temperate little creatures. Not to mention, a fan in a nursery can prevent SIDS, so it’s also a safety measure. We have this one that is remote-controlled, which has been pretty handy as we can stealthily turn the fan on and off without even entering the room if we suspect he’s hot or cold in there (our baby monitor usually gives us an idea as it displays temperature).
- Black out curtains and blinds: perhaps you’ll have a sound sleeper, but if you have a kiddo like mine, prepare yourself to bring out the big guns. When Lucas started taking 20-minute naps and waking up cranky, I had to do whatever I could to get him to sleep longer. Enter blackout curtains. Those paired with blinds made the room dark even on the brightest days. Not to mention, they saved my sanity. I’m not recommending my blinds as they already breaking! But do get some that block out the light effectively.
- A baby monitor: otherwise known as the baby spy cam. I don’t have anything fancy as I felt that would only add to my anxiety. No Wifi for me, as I worry someone is going to hack into the thing and spy on my precious babe. I also didn’t want one that had too many gizmos, as I knew I’d only find myself reading into it too much. This is totally a personal choice, but you do want one that has night vision, that’s a must. That way, you can actually see them when you darken the room! We love the one we have becuase we were also able to add an additional camera to the system for baby number two. It’s our second purchase as our first one randomly broke (which is why I won’t recommend the VTech one we had to you).
Baby Monitor: We ended up getting a different baby monitor (you may notice the camera looks different in these pictures than what’s linked) as our first one broke down on us. The one we have now is fantastic! The night vision quality is great, it’s simple and reliable, and we easily added a second camera to the system for the arrival of baby number two.

Left: Infant hooks held swaddles/sacks, extra PJs, a blankie, and a toy to entertain him with while I changed his diaper.
Right: Still using these hooks during toddlerhood! Sleepsack, bath towel, extra PJs, and slush pants (as it’s currently winter and it’s a handy place for them).
Hooks beside the changing area are so handy. It’s way easier than folding and putting away these frequently used items multiples times a day.

Baskets: Baskets like this are so useful. I used to place rolled-up blankets in here. As you may have seen above, now it holds blocks (and sometimes balls and other toys). This one is almost exactly what is pictured above.

I was gifted this basket at my baby shower. The presents were packaged beautifully inside. Little did I know how useful it would be! I often set this on the floor for Lucas to engage in pretend play, read to his stuffies, pull them around with the string, or play target practice and throw balls into.
Temperature: You can also see my temperature reader set there on the shelf. Handy to know how thick their PJs should be depending on the temperature in the room & great to travel with!

Storage: Under dresser storage in this organizer. A great place to stash small items that you don’t want to lose in the closet but don’t need handy right now. Larger socks, hats, extra lotions or creams you bought in bulk/on sale.

I use the same adjustable drawer dividers to sort all of my drawers. I have nighttime diapers separate (as I tend to grab the wrong ones in a hurry otherwise). They are great for creating designated spaces for things like socks and you can change and move them around anytime.

Under Crib Storage: The crib skirt creates a key sneaky storage area if your crib doesn’t have a built-in drawer. You can also opt for roll-out under crib storage. I have seasonal items stored under here, as well as a keepsake box where I store sentimental things and Lucas’ baby book.
Gender-Neutral Nursery Decor Ideas
Since my husband and I opted to leave my son’s sex a surprise until birth we set up almost his entire nursery before he was born to contain gender-neutral colours. But I left a few things unfinished as I wanted those pieces in an accent colour (rug and curtains mainly). So, until we knew what we were having, we went with shades of grey with chrome accents and added colour later.
Here are some tips for a modern gender-neutral nursery:
- Add Colour Later: the truth is, you won’t use the nursery much other than for the changing table or to fetch clothing in the first few months. Like most newborns, my baby initially slept in my room. We used a Moses basket bassinette beside our bed for the first eight weeks, which gave us time to order a rug, curtains, and things like accent pillows for his nursery. And even still, newborns are little potatoes. They certainly don’t know whether their nursery is done by the time they’re using it! Don’t sweat it. You can always add to the space as you go.
- Choose One Darker Tone: I say this because it comes in handy. I didn’t want a rug that was a light colour in case it would be subject to future accidents (I mean, it is a room for a baby, they’re messy). I have been pleased with this decision. Babies spit up, throw up, and have explosive poops. You want some dark colours in your gender-neutral colour scheme so you can go with that when making certain design choices. I also added navy curtains, which help block out the sunlight and in turn helped my new baby sleep for longer stretches.
- Add an Iridescent Finish: by this, I mean luminescent touches, gold, or chrome accents. Why? They reflect light, brighten up the space while catching the eye. I opted for silver/chrome as a lot of my home already features pieces like this and I wanted the nursery to tie into it. The most noticeable place where this can be spotted is on the feature wall in our nursery, which has silver polka dot wall decals. These are fantastic as they peel and stick repeatedly with ease. I initially got a cheaper version and was greatly disappointed. I also replaced the drawer handles of our dresser with a variety that included some silver details so they would contrast nicely with the white dresser.
- Have Fun with a Feature Wall: this is the perfect excuse to play! It is a child’s room after all. Going gender-neutral certainly doesn’t have to be boring! We had a great time creating our diagonal wall, with polka dots on one side. I saw the idea on Pinterest (obviously) and convinced my husband to paint it (he did a great job). Of course, it’s more effort than a solid wall, but as long as you purchase good quality painter’s tape your lines will come out crisp and clean.
- Pick a Theme: I went with baby animals. I added two animal pictures on the wall that I found at Homesense (there are tons of similar ones here), as well as a little zebra figurine. You can of course go with any theme you like! It’s a good idea to have a direction simply to keep you focused. You’ll likely be nesting and experiencing baby fever and will want to buy all the things.

Feature Wall: I found this feature wall idea on Pinterest, and it was actually pretty easy to do. Just be sure to buy good quality painter’s tape so the lines come out clean. The wall decal stickers are awesome as I was able to place and restick them to move them around until I was happy with the placement (don’t settle for the cheaper kind, trust me they don’t work).

Theme: Choose a theme to help you narrow down décor items. All baby stuff is cute, it’s hard to focus! Animals I felt are a great gender-neutral choice. These two pictures flank my window and you can find similar ones here.
Anything I’ve forgotten? Be sure to let me know in the comments below. I’ll be following this post up with one featuring Lucas’ big boy room once we get it put together, as many of my design choices follow the same principles: fostering independence, practicality, and long-term use.
And of course, should you have any questions about what’s written above, or the products I use, be sure to send me a message on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
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